Mottled Moose with Antlers

This little Moose Kin, doesn't he look Dainty? His Antlers are my fav!

Guys he is so simple to make. I used a 1x basic vanilla sponge as the recipe in a 9 inch tin and covered him in a basic vanilla buttercream icing or frosting as the Americans call it.
His marvellous sheen was cocoa powder mixed with hot water. About 2 tbsp of cocoa to 1tbsp hot water (may vary depending on chosen cocoa brand) paint once and paint again to get that cool mottled look.
Antlers, guys super easy!!! I drew what I thought looked like an antler and of course thought the worst because I am no Van Gogh, but actually it turned out quite cute. 

  1. Hand draw your desired shape, but just one and cut it out.
  2. Roll out a nice ball of fondant on a silat mat or book plastic to about 3mm thick enough to cut 2 shapes/ antlers 
  3. Place over rolled out fondant. Use a knife to trace around the shape. 
  4. lift paper and place down, reversed side and repeat the process.
  5. Carefully remove the trimmings so you're left with your 2 shapes.
  6. Now this part seems intimidating but isn't. Get your hands on some toothpicks, and carefully using both hands, one to secure the shape and one to insert the toothpick, gently slide the toothpick into the bottom of your antler/shape and leave them to dry. don't touch them... just let them dry!
  7. If you want while the fondant is still softish, cut some pretty flowers and pierce them into the antlers, not too many flowers guys or the antlers will break. (I go overboard myself sometimes, but sometimes less is more okay :) )
  8. one the antlers are almost hard to the touch, gently peel them off your surface and insert them onto your cake.

How Cute? 


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