
Showing posts from March, 2018

Mottled Moose with Antlers

This little Moose Kin, doesn't he look Dainty? His Antlers are my fav! Guys he is so simple to make. I used a 1x basic vanilla sponge as the recipe in a 9 inch tin and covered him in a basic vanilla buttercream icing or frosting as the Americans call it. His marvellous sheen was cocoa powder mixed with hot water. About 2 tbsp of cocoa to 1tbsp hot water (may vary depending on chosen cocoa brand) paint once and paint again to get that cool mottled look. Antlers, guys super easy!!! I drew what I thought looked like an antler and of course thought the worst because I am no Van Gogh, but actually it turned out quite cute.  Hand draw your desired shape, but just one and cut it out. Roll out a nice ball of fondant on a silat mat or book plastic to about 3mm thick enough to cut 2 shapes/ antlers  Place over rolled out fondant. Use a knife to trace around the shape.  lift paper and place down, reversed side and repeat the process. Carefully remove the trimmings so you're le